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Monday, December 15, 2014
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So, as we well know, October is to photographers what April is to accountants. As in, we're BUSY. Like, I haven't eaten in 47 days other than coffee and granola bars and my kids forgot my name other than to say, "Hey, lady, I'm out of knickers again, can you PLEASE do some laundry or run us to Sainsbury's to buy more?" 

I kid. Actually, I don't. My kids really did ask me to take them to Sainbury's for more knickers. I'm choosing to consider that a pro-active "I'm learning to solve my own problems and become a successful member of society" moment instead of a Mommy-fail. Work with me, people. 

BUT, this fall was stunning. Gorgeous, beautiful, wish you were here. I did minis, I did maxis, I did crazy in the rain and sleet and sunshine and o.m.g. falling leaves shoots. I shot it ALL. And every minute of it made my heart happy (and my brain tired and turned my editing hand into a claw!). And I'll do it all again. Next year. When I'm re-charged again! 

In the meantime, enjoy some of my favourite shots from this past "busy season." 


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